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My relationship with FLOWEY growing up

Flowey is one of the characters of all time for me! When I first played UNDERTALE as a kid, I didn't care much about him but loved Asriel (which is so weird for me to say even now!) But after everything life threw at me and analyzing his character after growing up a bit more, He really warmed up to me.

When I first got into UNDERTALE, the characters I focused on with my little middleschool brain was: Frisk, Chara, Asriel, Sans, and Mettaton. Not really character analyzing though. I just liked looking at fanart of them LOL...

I couldn't fully understand this guy until I went through highschool. literally the worst years of my life (dont worry im chilling now). When I started highschool I was already off to a bad start -- I was ripped away from all the friends and family that I knew since childhood! So I Isolated for quite some time. I attempted to crawl out of my shell but then one of my worst fears became a reality. I lost the only sibling I had. The only one that knew all the pain I went through. The only one that had my back... With this hitting me during school, ontop of me not getting help with my C-PTSD... i felt like a husk filled with only fear.

. . . and thats how I was able to finally understand Flowey's character! But I will say when I played UNDERTALE after all this hit me it was kind of insane to come to the revelation that Flowey is more like me than any other character in the game. . . I feel like those guys who will post a picture of the Joker and go "Hes literally me" but like. guys. He's literally me.

is it weird for your favorite character be the character thats most like you? probably but IDGAF Flowey Is Awesome. also pet peeve I don't like how hard people will seperate Asriel and Flowey just cuz Asriel is Cute. You guys need to accept that your fave is PROBLEMATIC and that its kind of Awesome.....


-him lacking a soul to feel compassion or most of his own feelings (besides anger and fear) feels very representative of how the brain will protect itsself after experiencing extreme stress situations like the shit he went through... There will be a wall that feels impenetrable between you and your emotions and it takes sooo much to find your way over that wall. and when you get over it its just one time and you wont really remember how to get back over that wall. yeah

-him being immortal but getting reincarnated before reaching adulthood... feels very representative of how PTSD works on the brain and how ultimately it will just take Much longer before your brain can fully mature

-definitely has a comp book full of crazy person ramblings (and drawings of papyrus looking cool)

-not really a headcanon this is more implied. BUT. flowey being besties with papyrus at the end of everything he went through is so telling... like yeah you've seen all these characters hundreds of times. but this one will always believe in you. he'll always have your back. cuz he cares.. he cares sooo much. :-( Papyrus is Floweys Comfort Character

-absolutely terrified of being percieved as being cringe. would rather die than be called cringe

-Knows All the Mew Mew Kissy Cutie Lore but would never admit it to you.

-I'm a bit of a sucker for the "getting taken to the surface in a little clay pot" post-pacifist idea. its cute and the idea of him and frisk becoming friends is lovely to me. letting him live his life without having that crazy power and just getting to be... he needs that so bad

Flowey vids I like

I cant decide Flipnote

Discovered this one when I first got into UNDERTALE and I couldnt stop watching those 20 minute long comic dub and animation compilations... I love the use of the ingame sprites in this flipnote its so good

Flowey drawing tutorial

Edgy flowey art is cool I guess ... but I think cute flowey art is cooler . cuz like almost no one makes cute flowey art... This whole animation is adorable!! everytime I watch it I feel like I just ate a cupcake piled with pink frosting ^_^

Flowey advertises for McDonalds

McDonalds poisoned Flower and McDonalds poisoned amalgamates

What the Spring?? Flowey cover

hes lowkey talented...